Dr. Kaloyan Zlatanov
Dr. Kaloyan Zlatanov obtained bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Energy at Faculty of Physics of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and later on – master’s degree in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. In the period 2015-2016 he is a full-time doctoral student in Department of Theoretical Physics, which is headed by the research supervisor and corresponding member Prof. Nikolai Vitanov, Doctor of Physical Sciences. The scientific interests of Dr. Zlatanov are in the field of quantum informatics, quantum mechanics, quantum optic, coherent control, quantum machine learning, molecular physics and multiparticle interactions. In 2019, Dr. Zlatanov obtained funding for his project under Peter Beron National Science Programme.
Here is a brief summary of MSPLICS project:
Multilevel laser-induced continuum states through single pulses is a project providing new techniques for coherent control in multi-state quantum systems, where an ultra-short laser pulse or series of pulses will transfer the population through a continuum state back into the system and will “close” it. The current population transfer techniques using continuum state are idealised models of two- or three-level systems, which severely limit the applications in real physical systems. Systems with a higher number of states are significantly more difficult to solve bur allow for better results to be achieved. Our proposal is aimed at two possible applications of the developed techniques. The first application relates to the femtosecond excitation of diatomic molecules through a single continuum state aimed at exciting the molecule vibrational states. The aim is to find a link between the molecular bond type and probability for the population to return to the system, which will be a new method for studying molecular structures.
The second application covered by the project is focused at the development of optical technique that discriminates different enantiomers of chiral molecules. The aim is to find the exact type of condition that returns the population from continuum state back to the multilevel system. For idealised two- and three-level systems, this means a requirement to the two-photon detuning, pulse chirping, and dynamic Stark displacement at different levels. Different enantiomers experience different dynamic Stark displacements and therefore the condition for population closure in the two enantiomers will be different. In practice, this means different levels of ionization in the two enantiomers. Thus, when voltage is applied through the sample, the two enantiomers would experience different electric field strength, which would lead to their differentiation.