How can I access Web of Science and InCites remotely?
If you need to work remotely due to school and workplace closures related to COVID-19, you can still access the Web of Science and InCites from home.
Web of Science
Speak to your librarian to find out the best way to access Web of Science
If you are still currently working from within your institution’s IP range, make sure you register an account with Web of Science to activate 6 months of roaming access.
Log into Journal Citation Reports and the Essential Science Indicators using the same credentials while in your institution’s IP range to ensure you can also access these tools remotely.
Access our guide or watch a video on how you can register your account ➞
InCites Benchmarking & Analytics
Use your existing credentials to access InCites Benchmarking & Analytics
If your institution subscribes to InCites Benchmarking & Analytics, you need to register an account in order to use it, even on campus. You can continue to use the resource from home, using the same credentials you currently log in with.
Access InCites both on and off campus ➞
Access full-text PDFs from home
Download the Kopernio plugin and access full-text PDFs on Web of Science in one click. Kopernio connects with your library subscriptions and open access alternatives to give you the highest quality PDFs both on and off-campus.
Find out more and get started with Kopernio ➞
Coronavirus global resource site
We take our global citizenship role very seriously
Our response includes the launch of a global resource site as well as a Chinese language site to help medical researchers and healthcare professionals access the world’s leading research and late-breaking news around the coronaviruses. If you are working on COVID-19 research or are interested in what is being done, be sure to check out the sites. As a reminder, access to BioWorld coverage of COVID-19 coverage is complimentary – click here to access more than 400 articles completed to date, and check back daily for continuing news.
We’re here to help – if you have any queries about our solutions,
please reach out to our customer services team ➞