[VIDEO] European Open Science Cloud – The New Frontier of Data-Driven Science
In an era when Europe faces societal challenges such as climate change, conservation of aquatic ecosystems, the fight against cancer, knowledge is the key to innovation and behind knowledge, lies data. Data brings with it new challenges such as access to data and research results, increasing data volumes, data publication and sharing, and disciplines working in silos. Hence, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative was launched to support researchers and boost research across borders. EOSC enables data sharing, provides a trusted and open distributed environment for the scientific community, FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data implementation. EOSC is a key enabler of European excellence in science.
This video has been produced by the EOSCsecretariat.eu project in collaboration with the European Commission, the EOSC Governing and Executive Boards and the EOSC-related EC-funded projects. https://www.eosc-portal.eu | https://www.eoscsecretariat.eu