Science and Education for Smart Growth Operational Programme (OP SESG)
Science and Education for Smart Growth Operational Programme (OP SESG) is managed by the
Executive Agency “Science and Education for Smart Growth Operational Programme” to the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria. The total budget of the Programme amounts to EUR
650 048 087.
The Programme is aimed to two main tasks:
▪ to be among the key instruments for achieving the objectives adopted by Bulgaria within the
framework of the Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (Europe 2020 Strategy);
▪ to serve as an effective tool for implementing cohesion policies, according to the agenda at
national and Community level.
The financial allocation from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national budget to the
first of the three main priority axes (PA) of the Programme – “Research and Technological Development” is
EUR 235 201 564. Among the priorities set under this PA is enhancement of the quality of research and
development of innovation. The national objective is to achieve sustainable growth in Bulgaria, and it
requires targeted investment in priority in science fields, specific for the country, skilled researchers and
inventors and an attractive research and innovation environment.