Bulgaria will launch a second call of the National Scientific Program “Petar Beron i NIE” (P. Beron) for incoming fellowships of postdoctoral researchers
Goal of the program
The program is designed following Maria Sklodowska Curie Action and will be managed by the Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF). The overall objective of the program is to accelerate reintegration and career development in Bulgarian higher schools and research organizations of experienced researchers with internationally recognized scientific results (Experienced researchers). The program will stimulate the development of the research potential in Bulgaria as a necessary fundamental step for the creation of a sustainable scientific and innovation environment and for the development of a competitive high-tech economy in Bulgaria.
Indicative budget of the call:
The indicative budget for funding new projects for the 2020 call is up to BGN 880 000. It is distributed among the 8 scientific panels proportionally to the share of submitted eligible proposals for the corresponding panel.
The budget per proposal (up to 120 00 BGN) depends on the duration of the project (up to 24 months). The amount of fellowship is BGN 3 800 (EUR 1 942) per month.
Scientific panels:
- Chemistry (CHE)
- Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
- Economic Sciences (ECO)
- Information Science and Engineering (ENG)
- Environment and Geosciences (ENV)
- Life Sciences (LIF)
- Mathematics (MAT)
- Physics (PHY)
The documents and guidelines for the 2020 Call will be uploaded on the official BNSF website (https://www.fni.bg) after their approval likely in the beginning of August 2020 with proposal submission deadline by the end of September 2020. The information, including guidelines and documents for the 2019 Call can be found here.