Dr. Elena Tsankova
Dr. Elena Tsankova obtained her bachelor’s degree in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology in Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany,.
Dr. Elena Tsankova obtained her bachelor’s degree in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology in Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany,.
Dr. Hari Krishna KODURU was born in a small town called Nellore in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India..
Dr. Kaloyan Zlatanov obtained bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Energy at Faculty of Physics of Sofia University St..
Dr. Deyan Radev graduated a speciality in Economics at Faculty of Economics of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in.
Aneta Ivanova received her PhD in Plant Physiology from Bulgarian Academy of Science. The positions held by d-r Ivanova are:.
Assoc. Prof. Petar Rashkov obtained his doctoral degree in Mathematics at Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany, in 2010, with specialisation.
The challenge of developing as soon as possible an effective treatment and vaccine for COVID-19 has united the scientific world..
ESFRI believes that the opportunities provided by European Research Infrastructures to support the science-led response to the COVID-19 outbreak are extremely important. ESFRI is.
High performance computing laboratory (HPC) joins the project Folding at Home – COVID19 (27.03.2020) In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the.
If you need to work remotely due to school and workplace closures related to COVID-19, you can still access the.